Challenges for Spain form the jihadi terrorism. The impact of the Islamic State
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Islamie State


The rise of the Islamic State has created a new, very serious dimension of the threat from the global jihadi movement. The sense of duty and belonging to a kind of transnational organization are some crucial aspects of the jihadists’ identity. The paper seeks to understand the challenges for the Spanish security generated by Muslim volunteers from this country travelling to Syria and Iraq who are involved in terrorist and violent actions. It presents different internal and regional (Maghreb) conditions of the emergence of the jihadi networks in Spain in the context of the emergence of the Islamic State. The paper seeks to understand the radical salafist challenge for Spain. It focuses on social profile and motivations of the young people who decide to join some jihadi groups fighting in the structures of the Islamic State. The paper attempts to provide different contexts of recruitment and the spread of the radical Salafist propaganda and, at the same time, it analyses its impact on the immigrant and postimmigrant Muslim cummunities living in Spain who are exposed to the radicalizing influences. The article examines the risks generated by the jihadists coming back from the Islamic State to Spain
who in the future can radicalize the youths and create a terrorist threat.

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